When does sinusitis become a problem?

Most of us have experienced an annoying sinus infection at some point or another and they can often feel impossible to shift. However, if you've had a lingering bout of sinusitis that just isn't improving or what seems like repeated sinusitis attacks in a short period, it could be time to seek medical attention.

A snoring breakthrough or another waste of money?

If you Google 'stop snoring' you are instantly presented with over a million results, with pages and pages of clever devices and treatments that claim to halt a common problem, affecting many men and women in the UK. These include mouthpieces, chin straps, nose strips and throat rinses – and for long-suffering partners of snorers, ear plugs.

Drug breakthrough for tinnitus sufferers?

Tinnitus is a hearing condition where you 'hear' sounds in your head that do not come from external sources. Sufferers list a range of different sounds, from buzzing, whistling, ringing, hissing to humming and it can range in severity in terms of sound and frequency. It can affect people of all ages, and also affects those that work in very noisy environments.